Dnutch’s commitment to the Veteran community is evidenced in its ownership, government contracts and employee composition.
Founder/CEO Denise Jones served in the US Air Force before starting Dnutch. Nearly half of the company’s workforce also served in the US Military.
Approved under the Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) Verification process, Dnutch has supported the VA as a prime contractor over several years on a variety of IT, technical and professional services engagements.
Dnutch VA Contract Information
VA My HealtheVet Program
Supporting the Veterans Integrated Service Network, New England, Dnutch is actively involved in VA’s personal health record system designed for Veterans, active duty service members, their dependents, and caregivers. My HealtheVet (MHV) provides Veterans with opportunities and tools to partner with their health care team and make informed decisions and to better coach Veterans on how to register for this important program.
Dnutch is providing call center, marketing services, mobile computer support services, and outreach event support for helping the VA implement an effective MHV program. Dnutch established and maintains an outbound call center to contact Veterans to provide computers and wireless connectivity for multiple VISN 1 locations and to support annual outreach events at medical centers and community-based outpatient clinics.
VA Enterprise Reverse Auction
Contracted by the VA’s Technology Acquisition Center (TAC), Dnutch was selected to strategize/specify, implement and support a 24/7/365 Reverse Auction (RA) system to run RA procurements through the Internet.
RA is a strategic sourcing concept where suppliers bid against each other electronically in real time until no other supplier is willing to bid lower than the current bid.
The Dnutch system is a web-based application that is capable of running in a variety of commercial web browsers on a variety of target desktop platforms. The system is web administered and implements a supplier portal where prospective suppliers and bidders can interact with the VA during the procurement process. Dnutch and its solution partner are providing this web-based solution, which runs on VA managed hardware in a VA data center.
Dnutch is providing the services needed to install this application at the Government site where it is hosted on VA facility equipment. The system is scalable to accommodate higher numbers of basic users over time. It is in full compliance with the “One-VA” Enterprise Architecture (EA).
VA Marketing/Advertising Outreach Program
Dnutch is supporting the VA New England Healthcare System (NEHS), an integrated, comprehensive health care system comprised of 11 VA Medical Centers located in the six New England states, plus over 35 Community Based Outpatient Clinics throughout the region. The service area includes a total veteran population of approximately 1.3 million and treats more than 240,000 veterans annually with over 2.5 million outpatient visits.
Dnutch helped the VA launch a robust strategic project which aggressively educates, enrolls, vests, and retains Veterans to expand the patient base. On this contract, Dnutch provides research, analysis, marketing, and technical support for implementing an effective outreach to Veterans residing within the New England service area. This plan includes the establishment of overall metrics for measuring success; product development including multimedia, print, and online content; and advertising development and implementation of the program advertising across all media. Dnutch also plans and coordinates direct outreach events using data driven marketing information and is helping VISN 1 to establish an effective online presence.
For more information contact Denise A. Jones at
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