Dnutch is a growing company comprised of experienced engineers and managers and we’re always looking for qualified individuals to join our team. If you’re interested in learning about current opportunities within our company, send your resume to  

At Dnutch Associates, we’re focused on finding and keeping top talent. We are looking for highly motivated and experienced personnel who are willing to learn and share their knowledge with fellow employees. We believe that together we can solve any challenge that faces our customers.  

At Dnutch, we know that our success depends on the ability of our employees to help our customers succeed. Our most valuable assets are our people — people who want the opportunity to innovate, who are committed to excellence and who want to grow their careers while maintaining a healthy balance between their work and personal lives.
We are focused on finding and retaining top talent. We are not afraid to let our employees know that they are valued, and we believe in treating every employee with respect and fairness. As part of our commitment to our employees, we support the concept of continuous learning and the sharing of new skills or knowledge with others.
When recruiting, we look for candidates who have a demonstrated passion for  enterprise development and design, Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V), cybersecurity, systems integration and information security. Experience gained within the Department of Defense, Department of Transportation, Department of Veteran Affairs, military or the intelligence community is a plus but not mandatory. We are more interested in what you know rather than how you acquired the knowledge, and we are more interested in what you can do rather than how you learned to do it.
Dnutch Associates, is an equal-opportunity employer. Although all candidates must be a legal U.S. citizen, our policy is to hire and promote the best candidates regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, color, ethnicity, age, disability or marital status. We are committed to providing all employees with a working environment that is free from harassment, discrimination, intimidation, bullying or any type of threatening conduct. We neither condone, nor tolerate a hostile workplace atmosphere in which employees feel harassed or intimidated because of their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other personal attribute.

We believe that all employees should have a working environment that allows them to be productive and perform their best work. We consider every staff member to be an integral part of our team, and we believe that we can provide our clients with superior solutions through teamwork and collaboration.


Please feel free to submit your resume.

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